As the first augmented reality agency in Switzerland, we offer a full service for our clients. Strategic consulting and project management from content production of videos, 3D objects or apps to the development of augmented reality apps and virtual reality solutions.
Our Augmented Reality Content Management offers media houses, agencies and companies the possibility to connect Augmented Reality content independently.
AR-Annual Report Ringier
With storytelling and AR we bring print to life! We accompany you from A to Z.
Augmented Reality CMS
Connect AR content on your own! Via our Web-CMS you can log in at any time and upload, manage or measure the statistics of your markers. The platform offers the possibility to combine your print products with augmented reality content.
Augmented Reality Apps
We develop augmented reality solutions for you in the app and web area. Whether whitelabel solution or integration into your existing app - we develop the perfect solution for you.
AR & VR Content
We accompany you from A to Z. Our content team produces 3D content for augmented reality, 360-degree videos for virtual reality tours or helps you with the campaign layout - we accompany you and your agencies from the initial idea to the final solution.
How our AR-Apps work
With storytelling and AR we bring print to life! We accompany you from A to Z.
Bilderkennung mit App
Die Zeiten von klobigen QR-Codes sind vorbei. Erweitern Sie selbstständig Bilder welche Sie mit interaktiven Inhalten anreichern. Die Bilderkennung funktioniert via Applösung und Plattform.
AR-Binärcode mit App
Der erste Schweizer Binärcode mit Augmented Reality Funktionen. Falls Sie Inhalte ohne Bildelemente erweitern möchten eigenet sich unser eigens entwickelter Binärcode perfekt für ein Augmented Reality Erlebnis!
Web AR - ohne App
Werbekampagnen, Out-Of-Home Werbung oder kurzfristige Einsätze lassen sich bequem ohne App lösen. Wir bieten Ihnen den Service von der Erfassung bis zur Umsetzung der Kampagne mit WebAR!
Interactive AR functions
Easily connect videos, image galleries or 3D objects! Create a new experience by combining printed and digital media which represents your product in a new world. The fascination of Augmented Reality which brings your message to life! Our technology is the tool to make your communication more lively and personal. We offer App-based solutions as well as WebAR which is easy to use via the mobile browser.
Our Story
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
Our Vision
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.
How our AR-Apps work
Storytelling &
AR visual element
So that your customer even knows that there is interactive content behind the picture, you have the chance to optimize your story and your layout. Create a printed product that tells stories and inspires.
Short, crisp content
Nobody wants to see classic advertising. Tell your story with cool videos or messages in a short time or expand the product with information. AR helps you to communicate more directly and without media discontinuity with your target group.
Direct link from print to your website
Generate a Call-to-Action button which takes the reader from the print medium directly to the desired landing page of your product. Close the circle of the Customer Journey and achieve a higher digital reach with the print.
Xtend AR-Platform
Create AR content on your own
Dynamic, cloud-based and made in Switzerland. Our platform offers everything agencies, journalists or marketing people want. Manage your own teams, create your own AR content which is online in a few seconds and analyse the behaviour of your target group. Our platform is optimized for dynamics and interfaces and offers all necessary tools to connect AR contents without additional programs.
Virtual Try-On WITHOUT App
Example videos Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality Projekt Watch Your Time USA
Beispielvideos 3D Augmented Reality
Interaktives Schaufenster AR
Xtend Showreel Augmented Reality
Interview Michael Schnyder AR
Marc Walder zum Digitaltag 2018
The first step
We look forward to getting to know you personally!
Tel: +41 41 255 12 12
Xtend Interactive
Vormüli 2
6170 Schüpfheim